Episode 20 - The Lake Monster Ogopogo

In British Columbia, Canada, there is a legend of a lake monster that's just as famous as the Loch Ness monster, at least to those in the area. The history of this creature dates back thousands of years to the First Nations people who first inhabited the area, long before settlers came. The big question still remains, however - is Ogopogo real or legend? Join Sidney and Peyton as they tell you the history of the creature, the native legends associated and a handful of the sightings from over the years.

Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4JmahETSYOLpxXVbAOcUZd?si=3rauqqjOQ0WPBmE740j3Ng&dl_branch=1



Episode 21 - The Pfister Hotel


Episode 19 - Robert Gialenios featuring Special Guests!